Monday 24 February 2020

The true price of 5 different defaultable coupon paying bonds with non-zero recovery are

The true price of 5 different defaultable coupon paying bonds with non-zero recovery are specified in worksheet {\tt Calibration}Calibration in the workbook {\tt Assignment5\_cds.xlsx}.Assignment5_cds.xlsx. The interest rate is r = 5\%r=5% per annum. Calibrate the six month hazard rates {\tt A6}A6 to {\tt A16}A16 to by minimizing the {\tt Sum \,Error}SumError ensuring that the term structure of hazard rates are non-decreasing. You can model the non-decreasing hazard rates by adding constraints of the form {\tt A6} \leq {\tt A7}, \ldots, {\tt A15} \leq {\tt A16}A6≤A7,…,A15≤A16. Report the hazard rate at time 00 as a percentage.

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